25 Nov 2010

Thankful for Bankruptcy Laws

Hey folks.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish anyone who might be reading this blog a Happy Thanksgiving.   In two days it will be Black Friday, yes, the most popular day to run up credit cards of the year.    I will actully be working in my office on Black Friday meeting new […]

17 Nov 2010

Foreclosures in Maryland

Maryland’s courts adopted a rule to make it easier for homeowners in foreclosure proceedings to challenge lenders’ documents that they believe are fraudulent. The rule, approved by the Court of Appeals of Maryland today, can shift from homeowners to lenders the burden of proving documents are legitimate. Hundreds of inaccurate or fraudulent affidavits have turned […]

03 Oct 2010

Things Not To Do When Considering Bankruptcy

At the Maryland Bankruptcy Center, our lawyers are always trying to educate ourselves so that we can pass on important information to our Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 client’s.  I saw this article on a great consumer bankruptcy website and I thought I would pass it on.  Check it out.  And if you have any […]

18 Sep 2010

Thankfully, Bankruptcy Is Still Available

This economy stinks. According to an article I read in the Baltimore Sun, more Americans are living in poverty and without health care. The good news, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 personal consumer bankruptcy is still available to all Marylanders. Call or e-mail us if you need a Maryland Bankruptcy attorney to help you choose […]

14 Sep 2010

Motherhood and Bankruptcy

I saw this today and thought it was a really informative article and wanted to pas it on to any readers of the Maryland Bankruptcy Center blog: MOTHERHOOD AND BANKRUPTCY In most discussions of bankruptcy, there are few mentions of the rising costs of motherhood/parenthood, especially considering the current economic state of affairs, whereby families […]

14 Sep 2010

Top Five Reasons People File Bankruptcy

When you are experiencing a financial crisis you may feel like you are the only one in that situation. The reality is that many people are feeling the current financial crunch for one reason or another. So whether you live in Maryland or any other part of the country, you are not alone! The following […]

14 Sep 2010

Information About Consumer Bankruptcy

The American Bankruptcy Institute is an incredible organization which helps educate bankruptcy professionals and consumers with regard to current bankruptcy news and information. It’s contributors are some of the most well-educated bankruptcy professionals in the country. Although I have been a Maryland bankruptcy lawyer for almost 20 years, I learn something new every day. I […]

12 Sep 2010

New Bankruptcy Laws Not a Barrier to Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

I was looking around the web this morning for interesting articles on consumer Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, and debt relief in general, and I found this intersting article from the Washington Post in 2008. This was written BEFORE the recession and unemployment really hit us hard, but it still applies. Some people think […]

12 Sep 2010

Personal Bankruptcy Filings

Consumer debt is consistent with bankruptcy filings. Research by the Federal Reserve indicates that household debt is at a record high relative to disposable income. Some analysts are concerned that this unprecedented level of debt might pose a risk to the financial health of American households. A high level of indebtedness among households could lead […]

15 Aug 2010

Drowning in Debt – Bad………Bankruptcy – Good

Hey folks.  I’ve decided that my goal in life (well, at least in my professional life as it pertains to my bankruptcy law practice), is to make the word “bankruptcy” a “good” word, rather than a “bad” word.  “Bad” words can never be good.   Illness, discrimination, death, taxes………those are never good words, they are always […]