11 Mar 2013

When Will I Be Able to Get Credit After I File Bankruptcy?

At the Maryland Bankruptcy Center we help people file Chapter 7 bankruptcy every day.  And everyone has the same concerns and questions.  That is, will I be able to get credit after I file bankruptcy?  Will it really take me 10 years to be able to buy a car or a house? The answer.  NO! […]

05 Aug 2012

Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Help Me?

I saw this article online and thought it was excellent, please read if interested in learning about or filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Can Chapter 7 bankruptcy help? When most people think of filing for bankruptcy, they think of chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to […]

28 Apr 2012

Maryland Bankruptcy and Credit Card Debt

The Basics of Credit Card Debt and Bankruptcy in Maryland In an economy where housing problems dominate the headlines, high interest credit cards still remain one of the largest issues consumers face in their fight for financial health. It should come as no surprise to learn then, that credit card debt is still one of […]

26 Nov 2011

Does My Spouse Have To File Bankruptcy With Me?

No, your spouse does not have to file bankruptcy with you. There is no law stating that both people in a marriage must file bankruptcy. A married person can file a single bankruptcy. If a married person does decide to file without their spouse, some information from the non-filing spouse would be needed. The non-filing […]

26 Nov 2011

Utility Bills and Bankruptcy

Two Rules for Utilities and Bankruptcy When people are current with their utility bills, utilities rarely become an issue in bankruptcy.  That is because Section 11 U.S.C. § 366(a), prohibits utility companies from discriminating against people based solely on bankruptcy filing. However, often being current is not the case and people seek to discharge their […]

11 Nov 2011

I Need To File Bankruptcy and I live in Maryland…..What Do I Do?

Sort of like parenting, money management is one of those things that were never taught in school.  We were taught to read, write and do some math problems that we will never have to use in real life, but we were never taught how to pay our bills and manage our finances, especially in difficult […]

11 Nov 2011


Bankruptcy is very often a time-sensitive process and pre-bankruptcy planning can be critical in protecting assets. Chapter 7, in particular, the trustee’s responsibility is to “look back” at the actions the debtor has taken to insure that there hasn’t been a fraudulent conveyance of assets, a non-allowed preference payment to creditors or other actions that […]

30 Oct 2011

Chapter 7 Maryland Bankruptcy or Chapter 13 Maryland Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy may provide some relief to a borrower under financial stress and overwhelmed with debt. Typically, there are two types of bankruptcy available to a debtor, Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. The requirements and benefits offered by the two types of bankruptcy differ greatly. A Maryland bankruptcy attorneycan explain the differences between the […]

29 Oct 2011

Third Most Chapter 7’s In Maryland Filed!

Usually I write about or I find important or interesting issues on Bankruptcy and post them on this blog for anyone who happens to drop by the website to see.  Today, however, my post is a little different.  Today it’s about my bankruptcy firm, and yes, I am going to do a little bragging.  I […]

22 Oct 2011

How Long Does a Chapter 7 Maryland Bankruptcy Case Take?

Typically, chapter 7 bankruptcy cases last between three and four months from the date the case is filed. The preparation for a chapter 7 bankruptcy case can be anywhere between one day and many months depending on a number of factors, including attorneys fees, document readiness etc. This post will deal with the chapter 7 […]