09 Dec 2010

Bankruptcy Statistics

News Flash! November 8, 2010 —Bankruptcy cases filed in federal courts for fiscal year 2010, the 12-month period ending September 30, totaled 1,596,355, up 13.8 percent over total FY 2009 bankruptcy filings of 1,402,816, according to statistics released today by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. While non-business bankruptcy filings continued to rise in […]

09 Dec 2010

Ten Bad Habits

I was searching the web today and I came across a very interesting and informative article which relates to bankruptcy.  It was called Ten Bad Habits That Lead to Bankruptcy.   Many consumers in Maryland with high credit card debt could have taken steps to prevent it.  At the Maryland Bankruptcy Center we will not only […]

15 Aug 2010

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – The Process

Hi folks.  Most people who need to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Maryland have heard of it, and no a little bit about it, but don’t know how it works.   Well, here it is, the process, which is pretty much the same in every case. Once you decide that you want to file Chapter 7 […]

20 Jun 2010

What is Personal Bankruptcy Discharge?

What is a bankruptcy discharge? The typical consumer files a bankruptcy case in order to obtain a “discharge” of overwhelming debt. An unfortunate word that is used to describe what for many is a life changing “event”. Why? When a debt is “discharged”, the obligation of the debtor to pay it, no longer exists. The […]

20 Jun 2010

Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms

Bankruptcy terms can be difficult to understand.  Below are brief definitions of the terms used in this site and in the Bankruptcy Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 410-766-4044. Adequate protection:Payment to a secured creditor to protect the value of the creditor’s lien during the bankruptcy proceeding from loss […]