20 Jun 2010

What is Personal Bankruptcy Discharge?

What is a bankruptcy discharge? The typical consumer files a bankruptcy case in order to obtain a “discharge” of overwhelming debt. An unfortunate word that is used to describe what for many is a life changing “event”. Why? When a debt is “discharged”, the obligation of the debtor to pay it, no longer exists. The […]

20 Jun 2010

National Personal Bankruptcy Chapter 7 and 13 for May

Personal bankruptcy filings for the month of May have increased compared with a year ago, but dropped slightly compared with a month earlier, the American Bankruptcy Institute reported last week. Here’s a breakdown of the data. Total filings: In May 2010, 136,142 personal bankruptcy cases were filed, a nine percent increase from May 2009, when […]

20 Jun 2010

Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms

Bankruptcy terms can be difficult to understand.  Below are brief definitions of the terms used in this site and in the Bankruptcy Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 410-766-4044. Adequate protection:Payment to a secured creditor to protect the value of the creditor’s lien during the bankruptcy proceeding from loss […]

20 Jun 2010

Personal Bankruptcy

If you’ve recently found yourself buried under a pile of debt, you’ve probably spent some time researching ways to dig yourself out. Most likely, filing for personal bankruptcy did not sound like the most appealing choice. However, like visiting the dentist or and eating spinach, filing for bankruptcy can actually be quite good for your […]

17 Jun 2010

Debt Trouble Warning Signs

Think about this: Just because you can pay your minimum payments each month, does not mean you are financially fit. Low monthly minimum payments benefit the credit card company, the “minimum amount due” is cleverly calculated to keep you trapped in debt for your entire adult life. Do you really want to spend the best […]

10 Jun 2010

Chapter 7 Banruptcy’s Rising

I have noticed a trend in the last few weeks.  More and more people are calling for help with their overdue credit cards bills, medical bills and wage garnishments.  I think that due to the recession, Chapter 7 bankruptcy’s are going to increase by approximately 20% in 2010.  We shall see, I’ll keep you posted. […]

09 Jun 2010

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – Eliminate Credit Card Bills

Did you know that Chapter 7 bankruptcy, if you qualify, will completely eliminate your credit card bills and all of your other debt?   Yes, it’s true, and there is nothing that the credit card companies can do about it.  Alot of people think that they will have to eventually pay back their credit cards after […]

27 Apr 2010

Welcome to the Bankruptcy Center Blog

This is the first post on the Maryland Bankruptcy Center bankruptcy information blog.  My name is David L. Ruben.  I am an attorney in the state of Maryland and have recently created this website and other websites for a couple of reasons.   I started the Maryland Bankruptcy Center, a Maryland business owned and operated by […]