09 Dec 2010

Bankruptcy Statistics

News Flash! November 8, 2010 —Bankruptcy cases filed in federal courts for fiscal year 2010, the 12-month period ending September 30, totaled 1,596,355, up 13.8 percent over total FY 2009 bankruptcy filings of 1,402,816, according to statistics released today by the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts. While non-business bankruptcy filings continued to rise in […]

09 Dec 2010

Credit After Bankruptcy

I came across this article today on the internet and thought it was very interesting.  Often times potential or actual bankruptcy client’s ask me what affect bankruptcy will have on their credit.  My answer is always the same.  That is, it will stay on your credit report for 7 to 10 years and if you […]

09 Dec 2010

Ten Bad Habits

I was searching the web today and I came across a very interesting and informative article which relates to bankruptcy.  It was called Ten Bad Habits That Lead to Bankruptcy.   Many consumers in Maryland with high credit card debt could have taken steps to prevent it.  At the Maryland Bankruptcy Center we will not only […]

29 Nov 2010

Loan modification to avoid foreclosure and bankruptcy

LOAN MODIFICATIONS  Understanding Your Options Article from: freddiemac.com There are many options available to help you to make your payments more affordable or avoid foreclosure. You need to discuss these with your lender, but remember – the earlier you contact them the more options you will have to help you. You may not be eligible […]

25 Nov 2010

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Statistics

November 08, 2010 October Filings Hold Steady   2007          2008         2009         %         2010        % Jan 55,200 70,300 89,000 27% 102,600 15% Feb 58,800 79,500 102,000 28% 117,800 15% March 73,100 90,400 131,000 45% 159,200 22% April 67,800 93,200 128,700 38% 146,200 14% May 69,900 89,700 120,400 34% 133,500 11% June 67,300 […]

25 Nov 2010

Thankful for Bankruptcy Laws

Hey folks.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish anyone who might be reading this blog a Happy Thanksgiving.   In two days it will be Black Friday, yes, the most popular day to run up credit cards of the year.    I will actully be working in my office on Black Friday meeting new […]

17 Nov 2010

Foreclosures in Maryland

Maryland’s courts adopted a rule to make it easier for homeowners in foreclosure proceedings to challenge lenders’ documents that they believe are fraudulent. The rule, approved by the Court of Appeals of Maryland today, can shift from homeowners to lenders the burden of proving documents are legitimate. Hundreds of inaccurate or fraudulent affidavits have turned […]

17 Nov 2010

bankruptcy statistics for october, 2010

National Bankruptcy Research Center October 2010 Bankruptcy Filings Report The raw numbers suggest that bankruptcy filings in October rose slightly from the previous month (to 132,000 from 130,000). But that trivial increase suggests a substantial break in the upward trend of bankruptcy filings we have observed since passage of the bankruptcy reform statute in 2005. […]

02 Nov 2010

Chapter 7 Median Income Effective Today

New Median Family Income Numbers For Bankruptcy Effective November 1, 2010 The new median family income numbers used for determining whether a debtor can file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy went into effect today, November 1, 2010. The numbers are provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. The means test was one of the major changes that […]