14 Oct 2010

Mortgage Scam Alert

The Baltimore Homeownership Preservation Coalition is launching a campaign to warn struggling borrowers that some of the people promising to help them avoid foreclosure will only hasten it. The nonprofit, which will be joined by elected officials at an event today, doesn’t want homeowners to be scammed. It’s telling residents not to pay foreclosure-prevention firms […]

20 Jun 2010

Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms

Bankruptcy terms can be difficult to understand.  Below are brief definitions of the terms used in this site and in the Bankruptcy Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. 410-766-4044. Adequate protection:Payment to a secured creditor to protect the value of the creditor’s lien during the bankruptcy proceeding from loss […]

17 Jun 2010

Debt Trouble Warning Signs

Think about this: Just because you can pay your minimum payments each month, does not mean you are financially fit. Low monthly minimum payments benefit the credit card company, the “minimum amount due” is cleverly calculated to keep you trapped in debt for your entire adult life. Do you really want to spend the best […]

27 Apr 2010

Welcome to the Bankruptcy Center Blog

This is the first post on the Maryland Bankruptcy Center bankruptcy information blog.  My name is David L. Ruben.  I am an attorney in the state of Maryland and have recently created this website and other websites for a couple of reasons.   I started the Maryland Bankruptcy Center, a Maryland business owned and operated by […]