10 Dec 2013


We represent hundreds of Maryland residents in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy’s each helping them eliminate their debt and save their property.  Eliminating debt, however, is only half the battle.  The question that all of my bankruptcy clients ask is “will I be able to get credit again after I file bankruptcy?”  And the […]

14 May 2012

When Should I Talk to A Bankruptcy Attorney?

Through my national bankruptcy connections I recently became friends with Quinton Pelley, one of the premier bankruptcy attorneys in the state of Texas. He was kind enough to share with me some great articles/blogs that he has written in the bankruptcy field for potential bankruptcy filers. I think that this one is excellent, so I […]

28 Apr 2012

Maryland Bankruptcy and Credit Card Debt

The Basics of Credit Card Debt and Bankruptcy in Maryland In an economy where housing problems dominate the headlines, high interest credit cards still remain one of the largest issues consumers face in their fight for financial health. It should come as no surprise to learn then, that credit card debt is still one of […]

15 Apr 2012

Getting Credit After Bankruptcy…..Is it really 10 years?

Clients are always concerned about their credit score. It is not unusual for the question “How will bankruptcy affect my credit score?” to be the first thing that comes out of someone’s mouth when they consider bankruptcy as an option. Although bankruptcy does have an effect on your credit, the effect may not be as […]

26 Nov 2011

Does My Spouse Have To File Bankruptcy With Me?

No, your spouse does not have to file bankruptcy with you. There is no law stating that both people in a marriage must file bankruptcy. A married person can file a single bankruptcy. If a married person does decide to file without their spouse, some information from the non-filing spouse would be needed. The non-filing […]

12 Dec 2010

Fixing Credit Report Errors

Why is it that credit reporting companies have so much control over our lives?  One false report on your credit report could cost you the ability to buy a house, car or to even obtain a credit card.  Is that fair?  No way.  Is there anything you can do about it?  Yes, there is.  It’s […]

10 Dec 2010

The Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process

I want to give you all an idea of the bankruptcy process. I’ll try to keep this simple and cover only the “normal” case and not cases involving objections from creditors and other complications. Once you’ve chosen a Maryland bankruptcy attorney, provided all of the documentation requested, and paid the required fees, it’s time to […]

09 Dec 2010

Ten Bad Habits

I was searching the web today and I came across a very interesting and informative article which relates to bankruptcy.  It was called Ten Bad Habits That Lead to Bankruptcy.   Many consumers in Maryland with high credit card debt could have taken steps to prevent it.  At the Maryland Bankruptcy Center we will not only […]

17 Nov 2010

Foreclosures in Maryland

Maryland’s courts adopted a rule to make it easier for homeowners in foreclosure proceedings to challenge lenders’ documents that they believe are fraudulent. The rule, approved by the Court of Appeals of Maryland today, can shift from homeowners to lenders the burden of proving documents are legitimate. Hundreds of inaccurate or fraudulent affidavits have turned […]

20 Jun 2010

Why do we call bankruptcy Chapter 7?

Very few people know why the type of personal bankruptcy that eliminates a persons debts is called CHAPTER 7.  Well, here’s the answer.  There is huge volume of books that contain all of the laws that our Federal Government passes.  Those books are called the United States Code.   That Code has TITLES, and within those […]