If you’ve got money going to pay for child support, foreclosed properties or other debts via garnishment, don’t wait another minute.
Our lawyers understand why you’re being garnished and have several strategies to help give you the fresh start you deserve. Often, bankruptcy can provide the best fresh start, but there are other options as well. A garnishment attorney will need to look at your specific case to determine what the best approach is for your specific situation.
- Benefit from over 25 years of experience in wage garnishment cases
- Be certain that your rights are fully protected
- Find out how bankruptcy can help you get back on track financially
Maryland based attorneys Sirody & Associates can help you stop wage garnishment today.
Wage Garnishment Frequently Asked Questions
How Can I Stop Wage Garnishment?
You may be able to stop wage garnishment by negotiating with the creditor. If this is not possible and you feel the judgement was incorrect you may be able to object to or challenge the garnishment. In some cases, bankruptcy may be a solution to either eliminate debt or provide an automatic stay during which some wage garnishments may be halted.
How Long Does Wage Garnishment Last?
Employers are required by law to withhold funds from each paycheck unit the judgement (or debt) has been paid off or until the garnishment expires. Garnishments expire after 6 months if the judgement has not yet been paid off, and at that time the creditor must issue a new garnishment.
Can Wage Garnishments Hurt My Credit?
Creditors generally do not report decisions to garnish wages to credit agencies, but they may report that your account is closed or defaulted. However, wage garnishments are considered public record so credit reporting agencies generally will find and report on that information. Wage garnishments can result in lower credit scores which can, in turn, make it more difficult to get approved for loans or leases.
What Is The Maximum Amount That Can Be Garnished From My Paycheck?
In the state of Maryland, the maximum amount of wage garnishment varies from county to county and can be up to 25% of earnings.
Benefit from over 25 years of experience
Our lawyers understand why you’re being garnished and have several strategies to help give you the fresh start you deserve. Maryland based attorneys Sirody & Associates can help you stop wage garnishment today.