At The Law Offices of Sirody & Ruben Bankruptcy Center, we understand how overwhelming the process of filing for bankruptcy can be. That is why we offer the help of an experienced Chapter 7 attorney in Baltimore, MD to guide you through every step of the journey. Our experienced attorney will take into account all aspects of your situation and provide you with the most effective advice and assistance in navigating this challenging process. We are committed to finding a solution that meets your needs and provides a fresh start for you and your family. You can trust us to provide stress-free legal services in an environment of understanding and respect. Contact us today to get started on a brighter financial future!

What is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one of the most popular types of bankruptcy available to those who are looking for some financial relief. It is often referred to as a “liquidation” or “straight bankruptcy” because it allows individuals to have their debts liquidated, meaning they can be eliminated without any repayment. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the individual must complete a petition that includes a list of all their assets and liabilities, including income and expenses. Once the petition is accepted by the court, creditors will not be allowed to contact the debtor or garnish wages or other assets. Furthermore, the debts that are discharged through Chapter 7 are normally tax-deductible, making it an attractive option for many debtors in financial difficulty.


What Happens During the Bankruptcy Process?

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is one of the most common types of bankruptcy available and can provide relief to those struggling with debt. The process begins with a consultation with a qualified bankruptcy attorney who will review the individual’s financial situation and decide if filing for Chapter 7 is the best course of action. After that, the individual will complete paperwork detailing their assets, debts, and income to use as part of their filing. Once this is completed, individuals must attend a credit counseling session, so they understand all the options available to them after filing. A hearing is then scheduled where creditors may have an opportunity to object to the terms of the bankruptcy plan. Lastly, a trustee reviews all documents before distributing proceeds from liquidated assets among creditors according to priority established in state law.

How Can a Chapter 7 Attorney Help?

Chapter 7 attorneys specialize in debt relief and can provide invaluable assistance to individuals facing overwhelming financial burdens. They are experts at navigating the bankruptcy process, which allows those struggling with debt to receive a fresh start by eliminating or restructuring their obligations. In addition, an experienced Chapter 7 attorney can provide guidance on budgeting, credit counseling, and other strategies for managing debt. A Chapter 7 attorney can also protect clients from creditors’ harassing phone calls and help defend against lawsuits during the bankruptcy process. Perhaps most importantly, a talented attorney can make sure all paperwork is completed accurately and submitted on time, so clients get the fullest benefit from their bankruptcy filing.

Contact The Law Offices of Sirody & Ruben Bankruptcy Center for a Chapter 7 Attorney in Baltimore, MD

Are you dealing with the stress and worry that can come from financial strain? If so, the Law Offices of Sirody & Ruben Bankruptcy Center located in Baltimore, MD may be just what you need. With experienced bankruptcy lawyers and chapter 7 attorneys on staff it is the ideal place to find assistance in solving your financial woes. Don’t delay – contact The Law Offices of Sirody & Ruben Bankruptcy Center today at 410-847-7279 – and take control of your financial future!