Thankful for Bankruptcy Laws

Hey folks.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish anyone who might be reading this blog a Happy Thanksgiving.   In two days it will be Black Friday, yes, the most popular day to run up credit cards of the year.    I will actully be working in my office on Black Friday meeting new client’s and preparing bankruptcy petitions for people in need of debt relief.   Due to the recession, high rates of unemployment, skyrocketing interest rates on credit cards and declining property value, my guess is that filing rates for personal Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies will increase more than ever before (except when the law changed in 2005).   So what are we thankful for?  We are thankful that we can still go out on Black Friday and buy our children Christmas presents knowing that if necessary, if things continue to go downhill, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 is always available to every person in the United States.  Some may complain, I think it’s a good thing.  Personal, or consumer bankruptcy, is not for people who intentionally run up their debt knowing that they will not pay it back.   Yes, that happens sometimes, but the laws are in place to prevent that from happening.  The bankruptcy laws are in place to permit people one shot at eliminating their credit card debt, their medical bills, their judgments and garnishments and to save their homes if they have temporarily fallen behind on their mortgage.  As a Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyer, I am very proud to say that we have bankruptcy laws and I am proud to help people use them to their advantage.    In the past few months the Maryland Bankruptcy Center has helped hard-working people discharge over $500,000 worth of debt.  We have stopped garnishments, eliminated credit card debt and helped people use the money that they earn each week to provide food and shelter to their children rather than send it all off to some greedy credit card company who is charging 18% interest.  I am thankful for the opportunity to help.  Yes, I earn a nice living doing it, but I also take pride in knowing that my fees are less than the average Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyer fees and I take payment plans in many cases.   As a Maryland Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer, it’s a win-win.  Our client’s are satisfied with our services and my staff is helping them along the way.   I am available anytime to offer a free consultation regarding your personal Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy options in Maryland. 

And if you call me on Thankgiving, leave a message with my answering service and I will call you right back.  I promise.  Come on, try me.

Have a great holiday season!!

David Ruben

(410) 766-4044

Maryland Bankruptcy Center