03 Jan 2011

Filing Bankruptcy In Maryland

Filing Bankruptcy in Maryland is becoming more and more popular.  The effects of the “great recession” that began in 2008 are in many cases hitting consumers now.  Although some of our counties are among the richest in the nation, most Maryland residents (was well as most Americans), live paycheck to paycheck.  When the recession hit, […]

25 Nov 2010

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Statistics

November 08, 2010 October Filings Hold Steady   2007          2008         2009         %         2010        % Jan 55,200 70,300 89,000 27% 102,600 15% Feb 58,800 79,500 102,000 28% 117,800 15% March 73,100 90,400 131,000 45% 159,200 22% April 67,800 93,200 128,700 38% 146,200 14% May 69,900 89,700 120,400 34% 133,500 11% June 67,300 […]

14 Oct 2010

Foreclosures in Maryland

Revelations that attorneys at two Maryland firms had other people sign their names to foreclosure documents brought a rebuke Wednesday from the O’Malley administration, which called the practice a “potential example of further mishandling and mistreatment of Maryland homeowners.” Also on Wednesday, several borrowers’ lawyers said they have filed a class-action suit against one of […]

15 Aug 2010

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – The Process

Hi folks.  Most people who need to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Maryland have heard of it, and no a little bit about it, but don’t know how it works.   Well, here it is, the process, which is pretty much the same in every case. Once you decide that you want to file Chapter 7 […]

02 Jun 2010

Maryland Legislature Passes New Laws Regarding Forclosures

Maryland Enacts Foreclosure Mediation Law. On April 13, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed a law (H.B. 472) giving homeowners the right to mediate foreclosure with a neutral third party and requiring lenders to conduct loss mitigation analyses before foreclosing home loans. The law applies to 1-4 family residential properties occupied as the borrower’s primary residence […]