05 Aug 2012

Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Help Me?

I saw this article online and thought it was excellent, please read if interested in learning about or filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Can Chapter 7 bankruptcy help? When most people think of filing for bankruptcy, they think of chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to […]

22 Oct 2011

Why Filing Bankruptcy is Better Than Debt Credit Counseling

I saw this article today and had to pass it along.  It is very true and I couldn’t have said it better myself. Is Credit Counseling a Step in the Right Direction? Credit counseling most often involves consolidating outstanding debts as much as possible and then developing a negotiated repayment plan for a reduced payment […]

20 Mar 2011

What You Can and Cannot Do With Your Cash Prior To Filing Bankruptcy

Today I came across this blog article written by a Michigan attorney.  Although the Bankruptcy laws vary slightly from state to state, bankruptcy is a Federal Law and the basics are pretty much uniform throughout the country.  This article addresses a question that potential Chapter 7 bankruptcy filers in Maryland frequently ask, what should I […]

17 Nov 2010

Foreclosures in Maryland

Maryland’s courts adopted a rule to make it easier for homeowners in foreclosure proceedings to challenge lenders’ documents that they believe are fraudulent. The rule, approved by the Court of Appeals of Maryland today, can shift from homeowners to lenders the burden of proving documents are legitimate. Hundreds of inaccurate or fraudulent affidavits have turned […]

15 Aug 2010

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy – The Process

Hi folks.  Most people who need to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Maryland have heard of it, and no a little bit about it, but don’t know how it works.   Well, here it is, the process, which is pretty much the same in every case. Once you decide that you want to file Chapter 7 […]

02 Jun 2010

Maryland Legislature Passes New Laws Regarding Forclosures

Maryland Enacts Foreclosure Mediation Law. On April 13, Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley signed a law (H.B. 472) giving homeowners the right to mediate foreclosure with a neutral third party and requiring lenders to conduct loss mitigation analyses before foreclosing home loans. The law applies to 1-4 family residential properties occupied as the borrower’s primary residence […]