25 Jun 2011

Credit Cards After Bankruptcy?

The article below was posted on the Bankruptcy News website on May 31, 2011: Are Second Chance Credit Cards A Good Option For Rebuilding Credit? If you have just recently filed for bankruptcy, you may wonder if your credit will ever be the same again, or what you can do to rebuild your credit to […]

18 Apr 2011

Bankruptcy Statistics

The Number of Bankruptcies are Falling The number of national consumer bankruptcies have fallen 6% in the first quarter of 2011.  There were 340,012 consumer bankruptcy filings from January 2011 to March 2011, which was down from 363,215 last January 2010 to March 2010.  This is according to the American Bankruptcy Institute using data from […]

23 Mar 2011

Credit Card Debt On The Rise

Americans boosted their credit card balances in December for the first time in more than two years, a shift that may help explain the strength in holiday spending. Total credit card debt outstanding on Dec. 31 was a seasonally adjusted $800.5 billion, an increase of $2.3 billion from a month earlier, or 3.5% at an […]

06 Mar 2011

Getting Credit After Bankruptcy, It’s Easier Than You Think!

There is one question that people always ask when they come in to my office to file a Chapter  7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.  They are concerned, and rightfully so, about whether or not they are going to be able to buy a car, buy a house or even get another credit card after they […]

22 Feb 2011

Statistics on Bankruptcy Filings

Though last year witnessed 9 percent more consumer bankruptcy filings than the previous year, there was a gradual slowdown in personal filings at the end of 2010, the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) recently revealed. There were 357,050 total consumer filings in the last quarter of 2010, representing a 0.4 percent decrease from the same quarter […]

06 Feb 2011

Holiday Season and Tax Refund Time

It is the first week of February and the phones at the Maryland Bankruptcy Center have been ringing off the hook.   I am a Maryland Bankruptcy lawyer.   I earn my living helping Maryland residents file Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.   February is the busiest time of the year for bankruptcy filings.  Why?  Good question.  […]

03 Jan 2011

Filing Bankruptcy In Maryland

Filing Bankruptcy in Maryland is becoming more and more popular.  The effects of the “great recession” that began in 2008 are in many cases hitting consumers now.  Although some of our counties are among the richest in the nation, most Maryland residents (was well as most Americans), live paycheck to paycheck.  When the recession hit, […]

03 Jan 2011

Impact of Bankruptcy on Judgments

If you’ve got a judmgent against you for an unpaid credit card debt, personal loan, medical bill, or similar debt then you may be thinking that filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 personal will solve the problem.  Well…..you are CORRECT! A judgment is a common reason for Maryland residents to consider filing for bankruptcy.  In Maryland […]

12 Dec 2010

Fixing Credit Report Errors

Why is it that credit reporting companies have so much control over our lives?  One false report on your credit report could cost you the ability to buy a house, car or to even obtain a credit card.  Is that fair?  No way.  Is there anything you can do about it?  Yes, there is.  It’s […]

10 Dec 2010

The Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process

I want to give you all an idea of the bankruptcy process. I’ll try to keep this simple and cover only the “normal” case and not cases involving objections from creditors and other complications. Once you’ve chosen a Maryland bankruptcy attorney, provided all of the documentation requested, and paid the required fees, it’s time to […]