27 Jul 2014

Do’s and Don’ts for Filing Bankruptcy

I enjoy looking around on the web and reading what other lawyers have to say.  Just today I came across a list of DO’s and DON’Ts for filing bankruptcy by Carmen Dellutri, a well-respected bankruptcy attorney in the state of Florida.  The interesting thing about bankruptcy law is that it is Federal law, which means, […]

05 Aug 2012

Can Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Help Me?

I saw this article online and thought it was excellent, please read if interested in learning about or filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy, I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Can Chapter 7 bankruptcy help? When most people think of filing for bankruptcy, they think of chapter 7 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, often referred to […]

28 Apr 2012

Maryland Bankruptcy and Credit Card Debt

The Basics of Credit Card Debt and Bankruptcy in Maryland In an economy where housing problems dominate the headlines, high interest credit cards still remain one of the largest issues consumers face in their fight for financial health. It should come as no surprise to learn then, that credit card debt is still one of […]

11 Nov 2011


Bankruptcy is very often a time-sensitive process and pre-bankruptcy planning can be critical in protecting assets. Chapter 7, in particular, the trustee’s responsibility is to “look back” at the actions the debtor has taken to insure that there hasn’t been a fraudulent conveyance of assets, a non-allowed preference payment to creditors or other actions that […]

24 Jul 2011

Untrue Bankruptcy Rumors

Today I saw this information posted on a really good bankruptcy blog from a North Carolina attorney. She really seems to know her stuff. I would like to share her article with you, it addresses bad information that people have heard regarding personal bankruptcy and the changes in the law that occurred back in 2005. […]

18 Apr 2011

Bankruptcy Statistics

The Number of Bankruptcies are Falling The number of national consumer bankruptcies have fallen 6% in the first quarter of 2011.  There were 340,012 consumer bankruptcy filings from January 2011 to March 2011, which was down from 363,215 last January 2010 to March 2010.  This is according to the American Bankruptcy Institute using data from […]

03 Apr 2011

Do You Need a “Good” Reason to File Bankruptcy?

Many people with financial problems don’t even consider bankruptcy because they envision themselves having to go in front of a Judge in a Courtroom and explain exactly why and how they find themselves in a bad financial situation.   Well, I am here to tell you, and anyone who has every filed bankruptcy before will tell […]

10 Dec 2010

The Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Process

I want to give you all an idea of the bankruptcy process. I’ll try to keep this simple and cover only the “normal” case and not cases involving objections from creditors and other complications. Once you’ve chosen a Maryland bankruptcy attorney, provided all of the documentation requested, and paid the required fees, it’s time to […]

25 Nov 2010

Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Statistics

November 08, 2010 October Filings Hold Steady   2007          2008         2009         %         2010        % Jan 55,200 70,300 89,000 27% 102,600 15% Feb 58,800 79,500 102,000 28% 117,800 15% March 73,100 90,400 131,000 45% 159,200 22% April 67,800 93,200 128,700 38% 146,200 14% May 69,900 89,700 120,400 34% 133,500 11% June 67,300 […]

25 Nov 2010

Thankful for Bankruptcy Laws

Hey folks.  I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish anyone who might be reading this blog a Happy Thanksgiving.   In two days it will be Black Friday, yes, the most popular day to run up credit cards of the year.    I will actully be working in my office on Black Friday meeting new […]