19 Aug 2011

Can I Keep A Credit Card After Bankruptcy?

I saw this blog article on a Texas bankruptcy website and thought it was excellent, so I am passing it on to you. If you have any questions and are thinking about contacting a Maryland Bankruptcy Lawyer or Maryland Bankruptcy Attorney, call or e-mail us today and we will get back to you immediately. CAN […]

19 Aug 2011

Maryland Bankruptcy Laws Empower Citizens In Debt

If you are struggling with debt in Maryland, chances are you are feeling powerless. Collection agents are skilled at making you feel stressed and hopeless through embarrassing phone calls at work and home; threatening letters; and sometimes legal action. The collection companies want you to feel that your only choice to stop the harassment is […]

24 Jul 2011

Untrue Bankruptcy Rumors

Today I saw this information posted on a really good bankruptcy blog from a North Carolina attorney. She really seems to know her stuff. I would like to share her article with you, it addresses bad information that people have heard regarding personal bankruptcy and the changes in the law that occurred back in 2005. […]

22 Jul 2011

Filing Bankruptcy In Maryland in 2011

  The last few years have brought about economic changes that Americans were not prepared for and had not experienced in their lifetime.  For many people, financial security disappeared as home values plunged, jobs were lost, debts rose, and help was nowhere to be found.  More Americans have faced with the decision to file for bankruptcy.    As we […]

26 Jun 2011

Bankruptcy Is Not For Liars and Cheaters

I saw this article online today and thought it was very good, so I am sharing it with you: Bankruptcy is NOT for Liars, Cheats, Crooksby Jill Michaux, Kansas Bankruptcy Attorney · Posted in Bankruptcy Basics,Discharge of Debt inShare3 Bankruptcy is not for liars, cheats and crooks. Debt discharge is reserved for honest, but unfortunate, […]

25 Jun 2011

Credit Cards After Bankruptcy?

The article below was posted on the Bankruptcy News website on May 31, 2011: Are Second Chance Credit Cards A Good Option For Rebuilding Credit? If you have just recently filed for bankruptcy, you may wonder if your credit will ever be the same again, or what you can do to rebuild your credit to […]

18 Apr 2011

Bankruptcy Statistics

The Number of Bankruptcies are Falling The number of national consumer bankruptcies have fallen 6% in the first quarter of 2011.  There were 340,012 consumer bankruptcy filings from January 2011 to March 2011, which was down from 363,215 last January 2010 to March 2010.  This is according to the American Bankruptcy Institute using data from […]

03 Apr 2011

Do You Need a “Good” Reason to File Bankruptcy?

Many people with financial problems don’t even consider bankruptcy because they envision themselves having to go in front of a Judge in a Courtroom and explain exactly why and how they find themselves in a bad financial situation.   Well, I am here to tell you, and anyone who has every filed bankruptcy before will tell […]

06 Mar 2011

Explanation of the Bankruptcy Process

A few months ago I prepared a document for each and every one of my client’s to read which attempts to describe the Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy process in Maryland from A to Z.  I think I did a good job.   But, I am always trying to look for something better so that […]

22 Feb 2011

Maryland Bankruptcy and Filing Taxes

This article was taken from an article by Jay Fleishman, a bankruptcy attorney in New York who writes interesting bankruptcy articles almost on a daily basis: BANKRUPTCY AND FILING TAXES Many people who need to file bankruptcy have other financial issues swirling around them as well, and taxes seem to loom the largest. Some have […]